The benefits of using Simple Fast Funnels in Your Marketing Strategy.
As you know, to acquire customers in todays world, it’s not as simple as a purchase landing page you can run some google ads to and bring home the bucks.
That means you need a marketing strategy to bring your client from window shopper/cold traffic all the way through to thrilled and happy repeat customer. There’s a laundry list of benefits to using Simple Fast Funnels for this entire process, but we’re going to touch on just a few of the most important ones in this article.
Put yourself in a customers shoes… most people are looking for reasons NOT to buy something from an unfamiliar website/person. You and I included… but we love to have our problems solved if we believe someone has the right solution. Most times that can’t be handled on their first visit to your webpage. It means leading a customer through a trust building process…
giving them something they’ll find value in to acquire their contact information and following up cross platform to educate them on why they need you and why you’re the answer they’ve been looking for.
Let’s run with an example of a business owner that teaches kids to read faster and get caught up several grade levels if they’re behind in school… Lets say someone named Sue own’s this business.
Drive cold traffic from google or anywhere to a landing page with a short video explaining why kids struggle in school, things that cause them to become distracted, reasons why public schools often don’t catch kids up in time… ra ra ra… then…
She can offer a quiz/survey for parents to tell her a bit about their child, age, grade, current reading level, issues they’re facing etc. The survey can actually segment your customers in different directions… if the child is too old or not a good fit, you don’t move them through to the next step because you only want your perfect leads making it through.
Lets say before Sue want’s to speak to this customer, she wants to educate them on the service she offers and how she’s able to help children no matter how many times others have failed, she is the answer…
Sue can email that customer a link to a video that prepares them for a sales call and gets them EXCITED to get their child reading at an accelerated rate. Sue could do a series of email/video followups, based on what works with her customers and automate it based on how they respond to her marketing.
After the video, Sue can send them directly to a schedule page where they can book an appointment that works with her schedule. Then she can send followup texts to remind them she’s excited to help and cant wait for their call and ensure they’re prepared to have some quiet time and have both parents present on the call… or whatever she wants to tell them.
Sue or the customer can take payment directly on the site. So if your customers don’t need to talk to you, you can send them straight to purchase, or on a call you can purchase for them on the phone.
Sue can then send this family through an automated VSL video course in a backend membership area packed with amazing info that disperses automatically on your chosen schedule, and even add upsells and followups after the program for future help on related problems they may have.
These features barely scratch the surface of what SimpleFastFunnels has to offer for businesses for under $100/month. Cheaper than any other platform. Start a free trial if you’re not a member yet to try Simple Fast Funnels Marketing Strategies played out into real time and see what you think!
Outbound Calling
Appointment Automation
Reputation Management
Unified Messaging
Lead Management
Easy Integration
Mobile App
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